Aid to Eastern Europe

Is a charitable organisation which raises money to deliver emergency vehicles and other urgently needed equipment to caring organisations in Eastern Europe and beyond. 

To date 49 trips have been made to deliver ambulances, minibuses and 3 fire engines to Russia, Armenia, Poland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Croatia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Romania, Moldavia, Transylvania, Latvia, Bohemia, Transnistria Ukraine and Negorno Karabakh.

Click here for a brief history of trips so far

The fund raises money in a whole variety of ways to buy vehicles and pay for the delivery missions:

The work of the fund would not be possible without the generous support of many people who have provided time, money, articles for sale, medical equipment and services.


Send cheques / postal orders to:

John Shackleton - Aid to Eastern Europe account

8, Leadhall View


North Yorkshire


01423 871255

Firewood logs - by the industrial sack

Still feeling the cold?  John and the team are chopping logs again for delivery to your door.  £100 buys you an industrial sack full (as used for 1 tonne building supplies)  All locally sourced hardwood.

Ring: 871255 for prices and to order

Mission to Nepal in 2007


Harrogate Advertiser interview:

"Mission not so impossible…."

Fire Engine to

Tbilisi, Georgia

Organisations supported:

Bikes for Sale!

For Sale

We have a range of bikes for sale through Resurrection Bikes  to suit all ages - from toddler to adult.  They have all been donated  to raise funds. We have fixed them up so they are in good working order.

Click above to see more.

If you have bikes gathering dust - give us a ring; we can collect and recycle them and raise some funds.  

For Sale

2nd Ambulance to Ukraine!

 See NEWS for more details of the trip and a letter from a local contact describing their situation.

We even had a small film crew with us this time - see The Ambulance Man for details

Last mission - minibus to Transnistria

John and team travelled to Poland to but a left hand drive minibus and drive that to Transnistria for use by a monastry school.  It will allow them to collect and return children from villages across their wide area who currently cannot get to any school.